
I am a senior research scientist working with robots at Sony AI in Tokyo.

Novel robotics applications are heavily reliant on autonomy and learning, thus introducing challenges concerning robot programming. It is simply not possible to foresee all possible situations that the next generation of autonomous robots will face after deployment. An engineer can no longer pre-program such robots in advance as has been done for factory robots.

The motivation for my work is to contribute to autonomous learning as a technology that will enable robots to autonomously help us, without the need for hand-coded programs.

Since 2022, I am a senior research scientist at Sony AI. Previously, I held positions at Preferred Networks Inc and at ATR Computational Neuroscience Lab. Between 2013-2017, I was with the Intelligent Autonomous Systems group in TU Darmstadt working with Jan Peters while leading the participation of the group in the European Funded Project 3rd Hand. I received my Ph.D from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) under the supervision of Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Surya Singh, David Rye, and Ian Manchester. Between 2005-2007 I did a master's at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH) in control engineering.

Contact : guilherme.maeda(at)

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