January 2022. I am transitioning to Sony AI (Tokyo).
January 2022. Our paper "Blending Policies with Primitives for Shared Control" has been accepted at ICRA 2022 (work done at Preferred Networks).
In August 2020 I am giving an invited (online) talk at the IAS group in TU Darmstadt on our new movement primitive formulation.
July 2020. The virtual RSS workshop was held on the 13th of July 2020 with great success and many lessons learned! We will update it with some conclusions soon. "Closing the Academia to Real-World Gap in Service Robotics". You can watch the entire live sessions here.
July 2020. Our paper "Visual Task Progress Estimation with Appearance Invariant Embeddings for Robot Control and Planning" was accepted at IROS 2020. Pre-print (to be updated) here !
April 2020. Our article "Phase Portraits as Movement Primitives for Fast Humanoid Robot Control" has been accepted for publication in the Neural Networks journal. [preprint][BibTex]
April 2020. New pre-print. "Visual Task Progress Estimation with Appearance Invariant
Embeddings for Robot Control and Planning" [pdf]
March 2020. We are organizing a workshop for Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2020 "Closing the Academia to Real-World Gap in Service Robotics". We have a call for paper in the website. The goal is to discuss the practical (and impractical) aspects of research related to service robots, from both industry and academia.
December 2019 - New NeurIPS workshop paper. Zhangwei H, Nagarajan P, Maeda G. "Swarm-Inspired Reinforcement Learning via Collaborative Inter-Agent Knowledge Distillation". In: NeurIPS 2019 Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop. 2019. [pdf][BibTeX]
December 2019 - New IJRR journal article. Lioutikov, R.; Maeda, G.; Veiga, F.; Kersting, K.; Peters, J. (2019) “Learning Attribute Grammars
for Movement Primitive Sequencing”. The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR). In press. [BibTeX]
December 2019 - I am starting to move my previous website into here. The previous one (https://gjmaeda.com/) is not going to be updated anymore. It will be eventually shut down.